Embrace the freedom that working remotely offers. Learn about digital nomad visas, eligibility criteria, and how to apply for a world of remote work opportunities seamlessly.

What is a Digital Nomad?

“Digital nomad” is a new term for individuals who travel across borders while working remotely. The digital nomad visas ensure legality and provide a solid foundation for remote work during travel.

What is a Digital Nomad Visa?

Digital nomad visas grants authorization for remote work in foreign countries. Applicants must be able to work remotely or be able to manage their own business from abroad.

These visas are generally short-term, often lasting up to a year, and don’t provide a direct path to citizenship. However, some countries offer the possibility of obtaining a residence permit. Essentially, the visa functions as a temporary residence permit. This allows visa-holders to work in the host country as long as they maintain their income.

The arrangement supports a traveler’s lifestyle, enabling you to work from diverse locations. Digital nomads can turn various countries into their temporary homes.

The digital nomad visa is different from other visa options. A short-stay visa restricts stays to 180 days and prohibits work, even for individuals with a foreign employer. Even self-employed individuals are typically restricted from earning income during this short-stay period. This visa option is more similar to a work visa, though visa-holders are not authorized to find a job in the host country.

What are the Requirements for a Digital Nomad Visa?

  • Must be over 18 years of age.
  • Must have a specific monthly income (the amount varies from country to country).
  • Must have a job you can do from anywhere in the world.

What are the Income Requirements for a Digital Nomad Visa?

Visas for digital nomads typically require a minimum monthly income, ranging from $2,000 to $3,500. Certain countries accept investment in local businesses or deposits in local bank accounts as an alternative to meeting the income threshold.

Where Can I Get a Digital Nomad Visa?

Countries that currently offer a digital nomad visa:


Africa Europe Middle East and Asia Americas and Caribbean
Cabo Verde Andorra* Dubai Argentina
Mauritius Croatia Indonesia Anguilla
Seychelles Cyprus Sri Lanka* Antigua and Barbuda
South Africa* Czech Republic Taiwan Aruba
Estonia Thailand Bahamas
Greece Barbados
Germany Belize
Georgia Bermuda
Hungary Brazil
Iceland Cayman Islands
Italy* Colombia
Latvia Costa Rica
Malta Curaçao
Montenegro Dominica
North Macedonia Ecuador
Norway Mexico
Portugal Montserrat
Peru* Panama
Romania Saint Lucia
Spain Uruguay

*Digital Nomad Visa introduced but not yet implemented

Do Digital Nomads Need to Pay Taxes?

Digital nomads file tax returns in their country of residence, subject to host country regulations. Some countries offer tax exemptions for the first year. Specific requirements should be researched beforehand.

Digital Nomad Visa Application Process

  • Fill Out the Form: Accurately complete the digital nomad visa application form.
  • Schedule an Appointment: Arrange a meeting with the embassy or consulate.
  • Prepare Your Documents: Ensure you have a passport, identity pictures, health insurance proof, financial income evidence, proof of remote work, and civil documents.
  • Submit Your Application: Present documents, pay the fee, and attend the visa interview.

What Documents are Required to Apply for the Digital Nomad Visa?

  • Digital nomad visa application form
  • Valid Passport (valid for six months)
  • Identity pictures
  • Proof of health insurance
  • Proof of financial income
  • Evidence of remote work (work contract, business license, etc.)
  • Certified civil documents (birth certificate, CV, qualifications, etc.)

Processing Time, Validity, and Cost:

  • Processing Time: Around one month, varies by country.
  • Validity: One to two years, with some countries allowing extensions up to five years.
  • Cost: Varies from $200 to $2,000.

Travel Document Services with G3 Global Services

Whether you are an individual interested in applying for a Digital Nomad Visa or a Corporate Travel Manager looking to help your team, G3 Global Services is available to help. Complete the online contact form or call (888) 883-8472 to schedule a consultation and learn how we can simplify the visa application process.

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